Are you looking for a reliable and committed party who can appraise your house or flat(apartment) in the regions of: Eindhoven, Weert and Helmond? Because you are going to purchase your (first) home, you want to refinance your mortgage or are planning to renovate as a few examples. Pleased to meet you, Maja van Eerd, your home appraiser in Eindhoven, Helmond, Weert and the surrounding area.
An appraisal is the estimation and reporting of the value of a property by an independent Chartered Surveyor. This estimation and reporting can be relied upon in economic and social life. It is important that the appraiser has extensive knowledge of the local housing market in order to carry out a responsible and thorough valuation.
I personally do the recording in the house and prepare the appraisal report for you which includes the market value of your property. In the appraisal report, I record my findings and explain in detail how I arrived at that value. You will also get a picture of the energy performance and structural condition of your home.
When applying for a mortgage, one of the documents required is often the valuation report. The lender gets an independent opinion of the value of your home. Financial institutions usually require a validated NWWI valuation report. The Dutch Housing Value Institute (NWWI) is an independent national valuation institute. It checks and validates valuation reports. The NWWI ensures that each valuation is performed according to fixed guidelines and guarantees a reliable and objective home valuation. The appraiser must comply with strict guidelines to join the NWWI. Your Property Appraiser meets these strict guidelines.
The cost of a report consists of a fee for the appraiser’s time, land registry fees, NWWI validation fees and VAT. A valuation report at Optima Woningtaxaties starts from €595, including VAT. The exact price depends on your personal situation.
– Residential property with a value of up to € 750,000
– Dwelling house with a value from € 750.000,00
– Flat
– Surcharge for ‘in let condition
– Surcharge for intended renovation
Call, Whatsapp or email for a personalised quotation or advice.
After we have had contact together and made verbal agreements, we start the process. How long does a valuation take? It is difficult to say exactly. It mainly depends on when the house or flat can be visited. The important thing is that we make clear agreements so that you are satisfied later.
Call, WhatsApp or email. Of course, you can also use the contact form below. I would love to help you!
Optima Woningtaxaties b.v.
Nachtegaallaan 3 5595 BJ Leende
Tevreden klanten en een kundige taxatie: dat is mijn passie! In 2016 ben ik opnieuw in de schoolbanken geklommen en gedurende de opleiding voor makelaar ben ik in aanraking gekomen met het vak taxateur. Al snel ben ik er achter gekomen dat mijn echte passie niet bij het vak makelaar lag maar juist bij dat van taxateur.
Na afronding van de opleiding Makelaardij heb ik direct door gepakt en heb ik de opleiding Register Taxateur afgerond. Ondertussen heb ik al een aantal jaren ervaring en vele honderden taxaties naar tevredenheid van de opdrachtgevers afgerond.
De waarde van jouw woning of appartement breng ik op een transparante wijze in kaart. Dat resulteert in een uitgebreid rapport met bevindingen, inclusief uitgebreide onderbouwing. Zodat je precies weet wat je te wachten staat en waar je aan toe bent: wel zo fijn!
Als register taxateur mag je taxeren in een straal van 20 km rondom je kantoor. Zie hiervoor de afbeelding. Indien uw woning of appartement gelegen is binnen dit gebied dan verzorg ik graag de taxatie voor je. Bel of mail me en laten we kijken hoe we elkaar van dienst kunnen zijn.
Maja van Eerd
Register Taxateur
Bel, WhatsApp of mail. En je kunt natuurlijk ook het contactformulier gebruiken. Ik sta graag voor jou klaar!
Call, WhatsApp or email. Of course, you can also use the contact form below. I would love to help you!
Satisfied clients and an expert valuation: that’s my passion! In 2016, I climbed back into school and during my training to become a real estate agent, I came into contact with the profession of appraiser. I soon found out that my real passion was not with the being a real estate broker but rather that of an appraiser.
After finishing the Real Estate training, I immediately took the plunge and completed the Registered Appraiser training. Meanwhile, I have several years of experience and have completed many hundreds of valuations to the satisfaction of clients.
I map out the value of your house or flat in a transparent manner. This results in a comprehensive report with findings, including extensive substantiation. So you know exactly what to expect and where you stand: nice!
As a registered appraiser, you are allowed to appraise within a 20 km radius of your office. See the image for this. If your house or flat is located within this area, I will gladly take care of the valuation for you. Call or email me and let’s see how we can be of service to each other.
Maja van Eerd
Registered Appraiser